Sunday, December 27, 2015

Bai 2015


Hi. Its been a while im writing here. Alah sebenarnya berlambak je draft but im not quite sure what should i said pun. Furthermore kadang kadang rasa nak also close this one and make a new one like before this. Hahaha

Sooo 2016 is coming to town in a few days. ( pardon my english, eventho dekat tempat kerja kena cakap omputih tapi aku selalu bantai cakap melayu)  haha. Seram sebab rasa sekejap betol 2015 ni berlalu. Tak tahu nak kabo mende, too many things happen but at the same time not too much. Entah tak reti nak kabo.

Okay so basically dalam 2015 ni we sticked to our plan; let Kadiaq further his study.

So which mean i resigned from my old job, then konon mencari company lain lah yang best better dan makmur but then no one want to hire me (i think its becausemylack of soft skill)  so i end up apply to my old company in HQ pulak. Lol sangat.

Soo dari kerja takde jumpa tol langsung, sekarang hari hari mengadap tol, jem, ktm, lrt, mengamuk sebab tren lambat, rosak, kena paksa turun lrt or what eves but its okay. Part of my life now.

Dua jam travel per trip  pergi kerja, very challenging sebenarnya tapi sejak duduk sini tukar kerja i really appreciate the value of time, money and other people. Bila tengok orang kerja susah payah naik tren pagi buta sebab nak cari makan, i feel so blessed with what Allah has given to me; a life that maybe other people yearn for. I learned alot from 4 hours trip pergi balik kerja setiap hari. Im being more patient and malas nak melaya  orang.

So dekat office baru ramai office mate muda sama baya, but they all tengah living life; being peak of their bujang life so i can't linger much with them. Ye lah pukul 5.30 or 6.00 dah kucar kacir balik rumah so that i can arrive at ktm on 7.30 so that kadiaq can fetch me so then i will be home at 8 terus chap chus terus masak. No more before 6 i can be at home living life then malam boleh melepak dengan kadiaq dekat mamak. No can do that anymore babydoll. T.T

Our lifestyle really changed 180 degree from before. Lain sangat sangat. But we try to cope because we already planned this before head. Tapi memang mencabar la bila sorang study and sorang bekerja. Finance really eat us alive but we try to holding on. Tak apa. Pegang rezeki tu Allah yang pegang. *pujuk diri sendiri*  :)

Well 2015 berakhir dengan kitorang still berdua, no sign of KnK's jr yet, well we kind of plan it too. Oh well, pray for us for 2016 ye. Haha

2016 aku mengharapkan kehidupan lagi stabil dari sekarang, boleh pergi travel and be happy. Tapi kalau tak boleh travel pun tak apa asalkan we have each other, smiling eventho emo jugak hahahaa. Kelakar pulak rasa.

2015 makes me fall in love more with my man. I learned how to be a better wife. Right now tak de la pawer mana pon. Rumah still kucar kacir and malas bertingkek tingkek lagi tapi kadiaq being so patient melayan and encourage tanpa marah marah. Thanx cayang T.T

Life might not been easy for us. Macam macam hal jadi but each of them makes us stronger as human, as hamba Allah. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, for every single trial and bless.  :)

Azam 2016 saya untuk makin jaga pertuturan. Harap dapat lah. Being negative is so easy peezy nowadays sampai buat baik rasa berdosa sekarang ni.

I thinking alot for this past few month, and i think it wont stop until i achieve what i want. So wish me luck, and for kadiaq too. He's struggling for his master he dont even want to take hahahaaha. Moga Allah permudahkan.

Happy new year everyone. Life not getting easy. It sucks i know. But either way we have to move on and living. Dont give up. Life is precious. Bumi Allah ni semua dari Allah yang Maha Pemurah. Dia yang beri rezeki. Dia yang boleh menjadikan sesuatu.  *belajar tabah*

Bye everyone. Gudluck surviving in this cruel world.


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